Friday, January 22, 2010

Cookie Dough Season Begins!

It's that time of year again. The time where elementary schools that are 'in the know' plan for their spring frozen food fundraisers! Based on recent statistics, elementary schools selling cookie dough are selling more cookie dough than any other spring fundraising items! This makes frozen food fundraising for spring the number 1 selling fundraiser! Regardless of if you work with Believe Kids or another fundraising company, we hope you are able to take advantage of this proven top-seller! If you put some effort behind a spring sale, your school will see maximum results! Any questions call Believe toll-free 1-877-723-5438. Thx :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This sounds like a delicious elementary school fundraising idea! Teachers and PTA members should also consider incorporating Adopt-A-Classroom in their fundraising strategy. Any teacher can register for the program at and use the resources provided to get their classroom adopted. The program has been very successful, helping to raise over $11 million on behalf of teachers.