Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Fast and furious post from Believe Kids fundraising just to let you know that fundraising with cookie dough will bring in top profits in 2010! But just in case, do some research and you will find that fall catalog, cookie dough and well-organized events will be the way to go this fall!

Schools and groups that are successful with their fall fundraising should be looking at a frozen cookie dough fundraiser. Although delivery does require some help, the sale is easy and people will want the product. Point is, it's not a guessing game - selling frozen cookie dough is a proven top-seller.

Economically, we expect some slight improvement but really who knows. By selling a commodity you guarantee yourselves consistency. While events may have lower turnouts and product sales may have less participation, by and large, a well run cookie dough fundraiser can earn more in a bad economy than other fundraisers.

Officially, Believe Kids (a nationwide school fundraising company) recommends Fall Gift Catalogs, Frozen Cookie Dough and School-wide events this year as our top picks for successful fundraising. We are not endorsing any single product fundraisers at this time.

Our recommendations are best person to person so feel free to look us up at www.BelieveKids.com or at twitter.com/BelieveKids It really is worth just a few minutes of your time before embarking on whatever fundraiser you choose.


Jay Moneta is the Vice President of Believe Kids Fundraising and blogs at fundraising-advice.com

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